
Asperger Syndrome (AS), also known as 'Asperger's' is a part of a broader category called Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This is a developmental disorder characterised by difficulties in social interactions and non-verbal communication. This neurobiological disorder is named after an Austrian paediatrician Hans Asperger, who in 1944 detected this condition in his patients and described its symptoms.

Causes of Asperger Syndrome

As per the latest studies in this field, Asperger Syndrome mainly results from the developmental factors affecting many or all functional brain systems. Thus, abnormalities in the brain lead to AS. These abnormalities occur due to various possible reasons including...

Genetic Predisposition

Hans Asperger observed common symptoms of AS among his patients' family members, particularly fathers.

Environmental Factors

Some researchers believe that toxins, chemical overload, allergies, exposure to teratogens during the first eight weeks from conception, or yeast overgrowth can lead to irregularities in the brain.

Medical Conditions

Some medical conditions such as epilepsy are found to be more common in people with ASDs. Immune system dysfunction is also believed to lead to the changes in the brain that cause Autism.


Three main symptoms mainly observed in the patients suffering from Asperger Syndrome (AS) include,

Poor social skills, Lack of emotional and social reciprocity problems making eye contact Inability to read non-verbal cues, Inability to make same-age friends.

Repetitive behaviors need for routines and regularity, intense interest in one area. Normal IQ, often with great ability in one area, sensitivity to light, sound, taste, smell, and touch.

Difficulty determining personal space. Clumsiness, rigid or monotonous speech patterns Extensive vocabulary, Eccentric behavior, Lack of emotional spontaneity.

Treatment and Therapies

There is no complete cure for Autism Spectrum Disorders, but symptoms can be managed and alleviated through various treatments such as psychotherapy, behaviour modification therapy, social skills training, education interventions, diet modification, medication, cognitive skills training, etc.

It has been observed that intense one-one-one cognitive skills training with BrainRx can help people with Asperger Syndrome recover to a certain stage where the effects of the disorder are hardly noticeable. Our proprietary BrainRx Cognitive Skills Training therapy strengthens weak mental skills. This turns the Asperger patient into a faster and more efficient learner, who is happier, more confident, and socially adept.

Visit our Neural Space center on contact us today to find out more about our BrainRx Cognitive Skills Training program.