What's Dyslexia?

Also known as 'reading disorder' or 'reading disability', dyslexia is characterized by difficulties with specific language skills, primarily reading. Dyslexia is a common condition that affects the way our brain processes written and spoken language. A child may suffer from dyslexia irrespective of his/her normal intelligence and eagerness to learn.

Although dyslexia is basically associated with reading troubles, it can also affect writing, spelling out words, understanding, and even speaking. Such difficulties are often noticed at school for the first time. Dyslexia is believed to be caused by genetic and environmental factors, and often occurs in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Dyslexia does not need to be a permanent condition. It can be diagnosed through various memory, spelling, vision, and reading skills related tests. The symptoms of dyslexia can be managed by adjusting teaching methods according to the patient's requirements.


Dyslexia Characteristics

Family history of reading disorders more often diagnosed in men Average or above average IQ Occasionally math proficiency is observed cannot enjoy leisure reading poor spelling capability.


Difficulty pronouncing new words Incapability for letter sound discrimination (sit, sat) Difficulty distinguishing similarities/differences in words (on, no) Difficulty describing what is heard or what is seen poor reading comprehension.


The weakest cognitive skills diagnosed in dyslexia patients include phonemic awareness and auditory processing; however, other functions may also suffer relatively. Nevertheless, as already said, Dyslexia does not need to be a permanent condition. At Neural Space, our proprietary BrainRx Cognitive Skills Test TM facilitates a professional cognitive skills evaluation. Our highly time- and cost-effective, and the most comprehensive test available in India; BrainRx Cognitive Skills TestTM measures all cognitive skills including attention, memory, visual and auditory processing, processing speed, and logic and reasoning.


Our BrainRx Cognitive Skills TestTM strengthens weak cognitive skills, particularly phonemic awareness and auditory processing; thus attacking the root causes of dyslexia itself.

BrainRx's cognitive skills' training is aimed at treating the causes of learning struggles. The main difference between BrainRx and normal tutoring is that, tutoring focuses on specific academic subjects like math or science, while BrainRx focuses on improving fundamental learning capability.

BrainRx has proven to aid children, teens, and adults equally by helping them excel in school, sports, other extracurricular activities, workplace and social lives.

BrainRx training also addresses other specific learning disorders including Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Dyspraxia.


People with dyscalculia face trouble learning basic numerical and mathematical skills like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, as well as mental arithmetic. Often, people with dyscalculia have difficulty with abstract concepts of time and direction, event sequences, and names.


Dysgraphia refers to the difficulty in writing, which leads to illegible and inaccurately spelled written work. This difficulty may exist in variable degrees and may not match with the person's intelligence or ability to read. Often, a lack of coordination and fine motor skills is observed.


Dyspraxia mainly affects coordination, movement, and perception. As a result, people with dyspraxia may experience hampered speech, obstructed motor movement, hand-eye coordination, sequencing, and organization. At times Dyspraxia overlaps with dyslexia, Asperger's Syndrome, or ADHD.

Call Neural SpaceTM today and find out how BrainRx Cognitive Skills Training plays a crucial role in treating various learning.